Early Stakeholder Outreach — Beneficial Use Designation Rules (OAC Chapter 3745-1)

Ohio EPA, Division of Surface Water, is seeking stakeholder input on beneficial use designations for selected water bodies – Hocking River drainage basin (3745-1-08), Little Beaver Creek drainage basin (3745-1-15), Little Miami River drainage basin (3745-1-18 ), and Chagrin River drainage basin (3745-1-22). Ohio EPA is considering three types of changes:

• Changing beneficial use designations for specific water bodies;

• Adding water bodies that are currently undesignated to the rules; and

• Verifying existing beneficial use designations already listed in the rules.

Changes, additions, and verifications of existing beneficial use designations are based upon the findings of biological, habitat and water quality surveys, and other available pertinent information.

The Early Stakeholder Fact Sheet is available here. Ohio EPA is accepting comments until September 17, 2020.