Proposed Rulemaking Governing Explosive Gas Monitoring at Municipal Solid Waste Landfills: Ohio EPA Division of Materials and Waste Management (DMWM) has provided public notice of its proposal to original file the following rule of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC): 3745-27-12 Explosive gas migration monitoring for a sanitary landfill facility. This rule addresses regulations for explosive gas monitoring at municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills. The comment deadline is November 30, 2020. Ohio EPA will be holding a virtual public hearing on the rules on November 30, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. The meeting will be held exclusively online. During the virtual hearing, the public can submit written comments that will be read into the record by the hearing host. The virtual hearing may be accessed through Ohio EPA’s website at: Ohio EPA WebEx Events.
Ohio’s Water Pollution Control Loan Fund DRAFT 2021 Program Management Plan: Ohio EPA has released the DRAFT 2021 Water Pollution Control Loan Fund (WPCLF) Program Management Plan (PMP) for public comment. Ohio’s WPCLF program provides financial and technical assistance to public or private applicants for planning, design and construction of a wide variety of projects to protect or improve the quality of Ohio’s water resources. The draft PMP is available here. The comment deadline is December 3, 2020. A virtual public hearing is scheduled for December 3, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. To register for the hearing, please visit our online listing of public events: Ohio EPA WebEx Events.
Public Notice – Request for Comment – OAC Chapter 3745-73, Total Reduced Sulfur Rules: The Division of Air Pollution Control (DAPC) is making available for public comment draft rule language and a draft of the business impact analysis (BIA) document in Ohio OAC Chapter 3745-73, “Total Reduced Sulfur Rules.” The rules in this chapter contain the requirements for the control of emissions of total reduced sulfur from Kraft Pulp Mills. A Kraft Pulp Mill is a wood pulping mill which uses an alkaline sulfide solution containing sodium hydroxide and sodium sulfide (white liquor) in the wood digesting process. The Public Notice is available here; the Rule Synopsis is available here; and, the Business Impact Analysis is available here. The comment deadline is December 8, 2020.
Public Notice – Interested Party Review – OAC Chapter 3745-38, General NPDES Permit Rules: The Division of Surface Water (DSW) is providing interested parties the opportunity to review and comment on the following rules in OAC Chapter 3745-38:
Rule # Rule Title Draft Action
3745-38-01 Definitions Amend
3745-38-02 Requirements for general national Amend pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permits
The interested party Fact Sheet is available here. In addition to the draft rule amendments, Ohio EPA is seeking comments and feedback on the draft Common Sense Initiative (CSI) Business Impact Analysis Form available here. The comment deadline is December 9, 2020.
Proposed Rulemaking Governing Industrial Waste and Residual Waste Landfill Rules: Ohio EPA DMWM has provided public notice of its proposal to original file numerous rules of the OAC Chapter 3745. The purpose of this rule making is to fulfill the requirements of OAC section 106.03, which require Ohio EPA to determine whether to continue the rules without change, amend the rules, or rescind the rules. The Agency has reviewed the current effective rules and has made the preliminary determination to merge the Industrial Waste Program and Residual Waste Program. The Public Notice is available here. The comment deadline is December 9, 2020. Ohio EPA will be holding a virtual public hearing on the rules on December 9, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. The meeting will be held exclusively online. During the virtual hearing the public can submit written comments that will be read into the record by the hearing host. The virtual hearing may be accessed through Ohio EPA’s website at: Ohio EPA WebEx Events.